Thursday, February 14, 2008

Summer sitting in the kitchen sink

We don't know what goes on in that little brain of hers, but Summer sometimes has these crazy ideas. In this picture, Summer got a blue plastic stool and brought it to her kitchen, took out the sink and climbed in. Then she decided to pretend to chat on the phone. Now we have to hide the stool. (She is 19 months here.)

Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Our Christmas Photo

We hope everyone had a great holiday. Thanks to those families and friends that sent us holiday cards and gifts. We really appreciate you thinking of us during those busy times.

Here is our Christmas 2007 Holiday Photo. Summer is 19 months here.

It's not easy trying to get the perfect family photo. These are the photos that didn't make it. Although we had a lot of fun taking the photos, it was a lot of work, especially with squirmy Summer. A special thanks to my brother, Charles (and Cookie Monster), who helped take the photos and made Summer laugh and smile at the right times. We really would not have such a beautiful photo without them...I mean him. :P Thanks Charlie!

December 2007 (Part 1)

Here are some pictures of Summer taken in December.

Friday, February 01, 2008

Photos of Summer

Here are some photos of Summer taken by a photographer friend on Feb 1st. Summer is 20 months here.